Thursday, September 22, 2016

Lopsided view from the portal

I am quite tired!  Little or no sleep last night.  White noise from airplane and fellow passengers nodding off next to me.  All make the perfect combination for heavy eyelids.  However, I decided to jot this down instead.  Well at the very least until I get my complimentary beverage. 
Man I love to travel!  Flying is just the cat's meow!  It makes me very happy to have a bit of vacation time!  All the white my mind keeps drifting back to the responsibilities of home.  Money and time!  Seems to be my biggest adversary's.  Time is beginning to win I think as my mind and body recently crossed the 5th decade.  Money has always managed to disappear before I could grasp it firmly and wrestle to a safe space. 
Nope not going to let those thoughts stop me from enjoying my well deserved vacation.

So it begins!!!

Tata for now!

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